So this week I wanted to address a topic that has been so relevant for so many recently, and this is inner strength.
I have heard a few times this week “I can’t do it”, “My head is struggling” “I am too old”, “my anxiety is through the roof” and it got me thinking that we all go through tough times, but it is how we deal with these struggles that shapes and defines our everyday lives and future.
Inner strength shows its form in many ways; and we are all capable of finding it, no matter what age we are, we just need to understand how.
Here is food for thought.
Walt Disney was fired from his first job. J.K. Rowling was divorced and nearly homeless when she started writing Harry Potter and Bill Gates was a college dropout and owned several failed businesses. Certainly, none of these achievers would have become so extraordinary without the capacity for finding inner strength.
Here are a few tips that I use in order to stay focussed and strong.
- Understand that your choices define your life: You don’t have to let your circumstances define you. Those with inner strength face tough decisions head-on and use them to become stronger. One amazing quote that I love is ‘the problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem’. Think about it – life doesn’t need to be filled with problems if you don’t let it. Instead, look at it as life is filled with situations that you face and you choose how to handle those situations.
- Push yourself: It sounds straightforward, and it is. “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Expect more, push for more, and you will get more.
- Let go of the past: Stop feeding yourself shitty stories of past mistakes and failures; drop the ‘why me’ attitude. Change the script in your mind and only allow positive thoughts. The power of positive thinking is incredible. Turn your negative thoughts into positive actions.
- Focus: This might be the most important of all. Stay focussed and be decisive. The longer you stay indecisive the more time you are wasting not progressing. Make a decision, stick to it, and take comfort in that decision. Once you embrace your decision you can start to move forward.
- Look to previous experiences: The experiences you’ve had so far in life are valuable tools for building inner strength. When you’re having a hard time finding inner strength, remind yourself that all your experiences, good and bad are a bloody blessing. When you learn from previous experiences, you grow, you develop and you become ‘you’.
- Do not use your age as an excuse not to grow, learn, develop, and become the positive person you want to be. Age is but a number and you are never too old to achieve what you want to achieve!
Building inner strength isn’t always easy, and it’s OK to have a bad day once in a while. We are all human, and life sometimes throws curve balls we aren’t expecting. It’s important to remember that “Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you, take control of your situations and stay positive.
It can be tough sometimes but remember for every tough situation you encounter, the strength you build is incredible!
Speak soon!