I hope you are well,
So I wanted to drop a message about a topic that so many women get frustrated about…the stubborn belly fat. Whether you’ve struggled to lose belly fat after having kids, have recently hit menopause, or let’s face it, have just sat there and scoffed too many cakes (don’t deny it), most of us have dealt with carrying extra weight around our middle before…..unless you are one of those what I call *lucky skinny b*tches*
How many of you say ‘I just want to lose weight around my tummy’. The hard truth is: you can’t spot reduce belly fat. If you want to lose fat, you have to lose it all over, and the likely hood is that you will lose it from other places first……….your boobs! *sigh*. Many of those tiny waisted, huge boobed insta models are more than likely photoshopped or have spent a shed load on enhancements……don’t buy into it!!!
Getting rid of belly fat and sculpting the muscles underneath requires both changing your diet and ramping up your workouts. It ain’t gonna be easy to achieve your goals and it needs to be a lifestyle change you can stick with but here are some tips to help you achieve your tummy goals!
Ramp up your HIIT workouts and aim for 2-3 workouts per week. Within these workouts, you should push your body to a fat-burning heart rate to torch the stubborn fat.
Increase your cardio exercise – Walking, jogging, cycling, running – whichever you prefer, and aim for 150 minutes each week. Stop being lazy and get your coat on and get outside.
Strengthen those abs – You need to do ab exercises that are going to hit your core, including your transverse abs, your obliques, your rectus abs. Click here for one of my ab routines to target all the muscles (excuse the puppy dog in the video)
Create a calorie deficit – If you want to lose weight you need to burn more than you eat, no matter what you say, no matter what your excuse is, if you are not losing weight you need to step away from the biscuit tin and move more. Instead of watching the next episode of ‘Friends’ with another snack (increase daily intake by 200 Kcals) get up and go for a power walk (burn 200 Kcals) Plus it will make you feel much better.
Increase protein and fiber intake – This is vital! Fiber has a wide range of benefits, including aiding weight loss. Some types of fiber slow the absorption of nutrients, allowing you to feel full longer, therefore consuming fewer calories throughout the day and helping achieve a deficit. Some good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans.
Protein is made up of amino acids and helps feed and repair our muscles, among other parts of our body. Choose good sources of animal protein, like fish, poultry, eggs and low-fat dairy. Vegetables also provide ample amounts of protein – look for dark, leafy greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus. And don’t forget quinoa, a grain that mimics the same amino acid profile as an animal protein. A good choice for vegetarians and vegans.
Cut out simple sugars and refined carbs – Step away from the chocolate, sweets and processed food, they increase sugar spikes which lead to crashes which lead to cravings! This is key to hitting your weight loss goals, including decreasing belly fat.
Drink more water – It flushes out the toxins and helps your body function – Our bodies are made up of 70% water – keep it hydrated to function properly.
Minimize stress levels – Stress leads to high cortisol (stress hormone) which has been linked to belly fat retention. Try chill out a little and remove yourself from stressful situations. Yoga is a great one! Here is a fab Yoga video which myself and Naomi, our amazing Yoga instructor did a few months ago. Check it out here
Get 7-9 hours of sleep – Lack of sleep can change your fat cells by disrupting your body’s ability to properly use insulin. Excess insulin can cause your body to store fat in the wrong places, which can cause weight gain and even diabetes. Try and get 7-9 hours sleep a night.
Stick at it, don’t give up and I’m always here for you!